Friday, July 22, 2011

Sam & Dean's Adventures

Sam is J and Dean is I. We're going on a trip and what better way to tell you all about it then blog - it's more an experiment in survival on meagre savings then a holiday so don't all swoon with jealousy just now.

Find that inner hero inside and pledge a can of food or a box of soup to us - when we're lost in the mountains of Romania, we'll appreciate it. And think of you kindly.

Here's what the current itinerary looks like. (FYI there will be a proper Sam & Dean's Adventures blog with commentary by yours truly and the beautiful J who will be hereon referred to as Moose.)

Beginning in London, Moose will be there after her role play as an appreciative *cough* wedding guest at two weddings in the South of Africa and I will be joining her on the 20th or so of January next year. From there we will begin our parade of havoc, I mean trip like so:

Paris, France: 4 days of debauchery and and experimentation in surviving only each other for the first 4 days. The lovely Em will also be joining us, perhaps.

Then its onto Versailles, Bordeaux and Pampolona for a day each on our way to Madrid.

Madrid, Spain: 3- 4 days. Then onto Lisbon.

Lisbon, Portugal: 2 days. Then onto Valencia via Seville or Granada (not quite decided which yet).

Valencia, Spain: 2 days. Then onto Barcelona.

Barcelona, Spain: 3 days.

En route to Venice we'll stop at Marseilles and Milan for a day or 2 each.

Venice, Italy: 4 days. Carnivale is on and we shall party, right Moose? =)

From Venice we're leaving our favored mode of trains as transport, for ferries! I love boats, Moose gets seasick, so it will make for an... interesting trip.

We're spending 2 weeks in Greece, one week exploring the islands and one week working our way up through Delphi and Mt Olympus towards our next stop.

Sofia, Bulgaria: a day or however long it takes us to revive after an 8 hour train ride. Then onto *imagine Dracula's accent* Transylvania!

Well, not quite.

Bucharest, Romania: 3 days. Here we aim to explore Dracula's castle, climb a few mountains (necessary to get places) and shower regularly.

Budapest, Hungary: A river divides Buda from Pest. Bahaha, the child in Moose and I loved this to no end. We want to explore both Buda and his Pest, tehehehe. 4 days.

Vienna, Austria: 3 days. I think there are buildings we want to see and coffee Sam wants to drink.

Salzburg, Austria: 1 day. Layover.

Munich, Germany: 3 days. All jokes made about this visit will see us quartered and hung.

Prague, Czech: 2 days. They party here.

Berlin, Germany: 3 days. See Munich comment.

Copenhagen, Denmark: 4 days. Castles, scenery, Princess Mary and her offspring.

Stockholm, Sweden: 4 days. More of the above, but fashion as well. And Chabi! My old friend.

Oslo, Norway: 3 days. More of the above, but at a higher price.

From here our aim is to get to Brussels, how we do this is.. a decision in progress. There was talk of a ferry, train and walking, but perhaps we'll have a better plan soon.

From Brussels its onto London for 8 weeks of filling the coffers with hard-earned temp work. Or selling a kidney, whichever seems like a better idea at the time will do.

Stockholm, Sweden.


  1. Aaaah *flail* It's somehow more exciting seeing it in writing. We must get our blog up and running next weekend :D
