Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Abhay & Piya

Right so, I know I said the posts would be more regular and they haven't been so I'm sorry. Apologies.

You didn't miss too much however. What we've had in the two weeks I didn't post is..

Piya and Abhay agree to stay removed from one anothers live. Abhay sums it up with, 'This is a love story that has no happy ending. I can't see you hurt, and that's exactly what I will end up doing.' So they walk down two separate metaphorical (and real) off into the mist. I Wikipedia'd Dehradoon - it's definitly on my list of places to visit - but apparently it is actually cold and misty in winter, woohoo!

As if this would be a pact they could maintain. But first... We've now met four interesting new characters. Shanaya makes an entry after Abhay's little announcement. Shanaya is the college's new sports teacher, she looks good and she's hell bent on causing strife in Abhay's life. She makes constant reports to someone on the phone and its all very hush-hush.

Siddarth - is Paanchi's new boss, a business rival of Arnab (Piya's dad) and the Raichand's (Abhay's dad). Further Shashank, a new college counsellor who is taking an interest in Misha. And of course we've mentioned Shaurya - the architect who Mischa took an interest in. What's common is all of these people are cornering Abhay and Piya - and all their phone conversations appear to be to the one person - each call is an update on what they've managed to divulge about the Abhay-Piya saga.

Next, we have Abhay have a vision (oh yes, this boy can do it all!) that someone or something is going to take Piya into the woods and he won't be able to save her this time. By seeing this, he freaks. Meanwhile Shanaya organises a charity fashion show - where the seniors (our cast) - put on a show and the ticket sales go to a charity. It's also a competition (which ties into being a sports teacher how, I don't know *plot hole*) and Misha wins! Much to her glee because well, she doesn't do fashion and second she'd gone to all the trouble to impress Shaurya... awww. A few hours before the show, Kabir and Abhay (whose had enough of Kabir's verbal jibes) play basketball and Kabir has the floor wiped with his ass - hehehe.

At the impromptu party her dad throws her - Kabir decides he needs to know what's going on between Abhay and Piya. He can't stand the long looks and the understanding glances. So he's asks Abhay. In front of everyone. Loudly. I think this was several kinds of frustration - but poor thing, his face is absolutely crushed when Abhay says, she's my girlfriend, I'm dating her. She's all mine.

She's all mine. He smirks.
And he smirks. Lol I kid you not, the boy smiles and smirks and I fell off my chair. Haha! Then he takes Piya by the hand and outside, where he promptly says this is going to be an act that we maintain until whatever it is, whoever it is that is after you has been stopped. She meanwhile looks frustrated like you wouldn't believe. Haha. Ah well.

Next, Abhay discovers the truth about Piya's dad. His name and the whole sad story. She cries, he swears to never let anything she doesn't want, happen. Between her and anyone - he promises to look after her. We are now at the point where Abhay and Piya have won the Valentine's Day competition. This was not something they wanted to do, but they are coerced into by the other happy couple - Ruhi & Angad who are finally dating!

Its a q&a thing - we all know Abhay gets an A in Piya studies, but Piya actually knows everything about him too - and no one is more surprised and secretly pleased than the man himself. His favourite book, flower, colour. Love in the Time of Cholera, lilies and red for all who care. Sad part is, after they win and while they share a dance, Abhay reminds Piya to not enjoy the festivities too much as its all a sham, a temporary sham. Sigh.

Yesterday, Piya's maternal uncle, who also turns out to be a trustee of the scholarship Piya won last year, rejects her scholarship for this year. Despite her being the most deserving and highest scorer of the college. Abhay talks to him and makes him realize that she deserves a little something - especially something that she clearly deserves. He then repents and grants her the scholarship.. yay!

Misha (and Piya)'s dad arrives as they're all whooping and jumping around - Misha takes the certificate to him and he reads the name on it and the light dawns! Piya is his daughter Piyali Jaiselwal that he was looking for! Aww - she realizes he knows simultaneously as she's witnessed the whole reading and dawning. She goes over to him, cries and accuses him of leaving her and her mother - ruining their lives and hurting his wife and daughters as well. She then tells him he should keep away - for the sake of his two daughters who still think of him as a hero.

She runs crying deep into the woods and we see her cry and call out to her mum. Ask her all kinds of dad-related questions of why and why nots

Abhay of course has felt that she is in pain and he's running into the woods as well - he finds her as night falls and all the blood becomes tempting for him. We see a battle of wills take place. His fangs come and go - as he struggles to help her or want to feed from her. We hear Shanaya's voice call to him, as if urging him on to drink.

NB: all of this creepiness on the part of the 4 S people (Shaurya, Shashank, Shanaya and Siddarth) makes me think they are wolves and want Abhay to drink from someone so they can eliminate him...

Abhay finally manages to gain control of himself, he goes to Piya - minus the fangs - and heals her wounds. She comes to a little and then collapses after calling his name. He realizes she's stone cold.  Thinking back he recalls his vampire father saying although their blood is cold, their blood can warm people. So what does he do?

He strips!!! And covers Piya with his jacket (oh lord) and his shirt (*faints*), we all know this isn't enough and so he picks her up and hugs her close. Can I just say, he has the best upper body?

And the episode ended there.. more tomorrow!

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